

Definition: Two stage cell divisions in sexually reproducing organisms, where total of four haploid cells are produced.

Prophase I:

–          DNA in non-sister chromosomes crosses over. ( exchanges segments)

–          Each chromosome pair forms a tetrad, group of four chromatids.

–          Nucleolus membrane breaks down into fragments.

Metaphase I:

–          Pairs of homologous chromosomes, tetrads, are lined on the metaphase plate.

–          Chromosomes of each pair lines up facing each pole.

Anaphase I:

–          The chromosomes, two sister chromatids, move toward the opposite side of the cell

–          Sister chromatids remain together (attached) and moves toward the same side.

Telophase I & Cytokinesis:

–          Each half of the cell has complete haploid set of chromosomes.

–          Cytokinesis occurs simultaneously with telophase I.

–          In animal cells, cleavage furrow occurs and divides the parent cells into two haploid daughter cells.

–          In plants, cell plate separates and divides the cell.

Prophase II:

–          Spindle fibers appear.

–          Chromosomes are moving toward the middle of the cell

Metaphase II:

–          Chromosomes are lined on the metaphase plate.

–          Because of the cross over in prophase I, sister chromatids are not genetically identical.

–          Kinetochores are attached to microtubules.

Anaphase II:

–          Centromeres of each chromosome separate, and the sister chromatids are divided.

–          Each sister chromatids move toward the opposite end of the cell.

Telophase II & Cytokinesis:

–          Nuclei forms and chromosomes begin to de-condense.

–          One meiotic parent cell produces four haploid daughter cells.

–           Each of the four daughter cells is not genetically identical.

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